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Dr. Ir. Sunar, MS
1. Association of the Zinc Content in Hair of School-age Children
2. Determinants Influencing the Intention to Use Mobile Expert
3. Determinant of Food Crop Agribusiness and Horticultural
4. Methane Flux from Indonesian Wetland Rice : The Effect of Water Management and Rice Variety
Dr. Yolanda, SE, MM
1. Analisis Peningkatan Ekonomi Indonesia Tanapa Menambah Beban Hutang Luar Negeri
2. Kiat Kiat Menjadi Wirausaha Sukses
3. Konsumsi Nasional, Menuju Proses Penggelembungan (Bubble) yang Mengkhawatirk_vProsiding
Dr. Hj. Pudji Astuty, SE, MM
1. Peran Pecking Order
2. Analisa Tolok Ukur Stabilitas Moneter
3. Analisis Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga
4. Determinan Keberhasilan Turn Around
5. Prospek Perekonomian dan Pembangunan Nasional
6. Influence Of Religiosity Toward
7. Analisis Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga BI Rate dan Kurs
8. Analisis Pengaruh Manajemen Modal Kerja Likuiditas
9. Analisis Pengaruh Struktur Modal Corporate
10. Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Instrumen
11. Analisa Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Peringkat
12. The Influence Of Fundamental Factors and Systematic
13. An1alisa Pengaruh Financing To Deposit Ratio Non
14. Analisis Pengaruh Return On Equity Earning Per Share
15. Role of Green Supply
16. Market Anomalies and Effect on Return
17. Analysis of Optimal Portfolio Performance
18. The Mediating Effects of Brand Preference to Customer Satisfaction
19. Comparative Analysis On The Accuracy Level Of Financial Distress Prediction Model
20. Conference Proceedings Jakarta Indonesia, ICABE 2018 (halaman 369-376 dan halaman 143-149)
Dr. Sabungan Sibarani. SH. MH
Jurnal Internasional (Validasi Turnitin)
1. Consumer Protection in Transaction of Electronic Trading on Especially on Social Media (E-Commerce)
2. Legal Protection For Francgisees After Termination Of Franchise Agreement
3. Effort of Medan Mayor in Realizing Clean Government (Study About the Practice of Administration in Medan City To Prevent and Acts Criminal Actors of Corruption)
4. Law Enforcement to the Mining Crime of Class of C Without Permission Under Law No. 4 Year 2009 On Mineral Mining and Coal
5. Law Review on Trademark Dispute Between Biore And Biorf Based Marks Law in Indonesia
6. Court Verdict Anomaly That Dropped Punishment Against Children Under 12 Years Old
7. State Control over Natural Resources Oil and Gas in Indonesia
8. Tin Folk Mining in west Bangka District of Province of Bangka Belitung Island And the Impact on life Environment
9. The Responsibility of Aviation Company Laws Against Giving Amount Compensation Benefits for Air-Asia Accident Victims QZ8501TO Indonesian citizens
Jurnal Nasional
1. Analisis Hukum terhadap korban salah tangkap (Error In Persona) Dalam Putusan No.2161 KPID2012
2. Dinamika Pemilihan Legislatif ( Legislative Elections Dynamics)
3. Kajian Hukum mengenai pengangkatan Hakim Konstitusi oleh Presiden ditinjau dari prinsip transparasi dan partisipasi
4. Aspek Perlindungan Hukum Pasien korban malpraktik dilihat dari sudut pandang hukum di Indonesia
5. Prospek penegakan Hukum Undangundang penghapusan kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (UU PKDRT)
6. Kesaksian karyawan korporasi dalam perkara tindak pindana penggelapan oleh organ korporasi
7. Pelanggaran Pasal 6 Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor M-HH-21.PK.01.01.01 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pengeluaran Tahanan Demi Hukum atas terjadinya Overstaying di Rumah Tahanan Negara Salema Jakarta
8. Tanggung Jawab Advokat Dalam Proses Kepailitan Perkara No. 04/Pailit/2012/PN.Niaga.Jkt Pst Antara Ratna Agustin Tedja dan Lestari Simanhendali Terhadap PT. Citra Karya Serba Guna
9. Perlindungan Anak Dalam Proses Peradilan Yang Tidak Didampingi Oleh Penasihat Hukum (Contoh Kasus Putusan Negeri Jakarta Pusat Nomor : 1897/PID.B/2011/PN.JKT.PST)
10. Pembangunan Hukum Dalam Kerangka Transformasi Globalisasi
11. Penerapan Legitme Portie (Bagian Mutlak) Dalam Pembagian Waris
12. Tindak Pidana Kealpaan Dalam Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Di Jalur Transjakarta
13. Perlindungan Terhadap Anak Yang Memerlukan Perlindungan Khusus Akibat Semburan Lumpur Lapindo
14. Tinjauan Penerapan Sanksi Pidana Terhadap Abortus Provocatus Pada Korban Pemerkosaan
15. Upaya Hukum Dan Akibat Hukum Terhadap Tersangka Yang Mengalami Salah Tangkap (Error In Persona) -> (Studi Kasus Hasan Basri
16. Analisis Putusan Bebas Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Narkotika Oleh Mahkamah Agung ( Studi Kasus : Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 417 K/PID.SUS/2011
17. Perlindungan Konsumen Dalam Jual Beli Secara Online Melalui Media Elektronik (E-Commerce)
Dr. Meirinaldi. SE, MM
1. Konjungtur Perekonomian Nasional, Controlable, Uncontrolable Factors and Macro, Micro Factors
2. Pengaruh Return Ekuitas Pemilik Saham Dan Deviden Tunai Terhadap Harga Saham PT. Astra Internasional, Tbk Periode 1997 – 2006 Di Bursa Efek Indonesia
3. Analysis of Foreign Exchange Using Perceptron and Genetic Algorithm Machine Learning (GALM)
4. Analysis Of The Implementation Of Msme Tax Calculations Based On The Tax Harmonization Law Number 7 Of 2021 In The Bogor Region
5. The Influence Of Macroeconomic Factors On Human Development Index And Poverty Rate In Bangka Belitung Islands Province
6. Digitalization-Based Religious Tourism Village Development Strategy Case Study In Nyatnyono Village, Semarang Regency
7. Analisis Pengaruh Ekonomi Digital, Pola Investasi, Pandemi Covid-19,Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Terhadap Struktur Pasar Tenaga Kerja Sektor Kesehatan Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Dr. Hj.RA. Evita Isretno Israhadi, SH, MH
Jurnal Internasional (Validasi Turnitin)
1. Analysis Management of Land through Land Political Laws: Reform
2. Appellate Procedures And Dispute Settlement Mechanism For Indonesian Trade Disputes
3. A Study of Commercial Abritation and the altonomy of the Indonesian Abreitation Law
4. Asean Economic Community And Its Implications On Trade Laws And Growth In Indonesia
5. Business law and its effects on commercial transactions
6. Legal and Contractual Framework in Supply Chain Management and Distribution Channels: An Indonesian Perspective
7. Analysis of Sharia Economic Law and Government Policies in Enhancing Sharia Investment in Indonesia
8. Copyright Law Protection Competence in Paying Royalty as Exclusive Rights Substance
9. The Social Impact of Force Majeure and the consequences of the Determination of the Covid 19 Disaster Status on Learning the Manpower Law
Dr. Wahyu Widji Pamungkas
Daftar Jurnal
1. Monitoring System on Nine Primary Commodities’ Price in Indonesia
2. Mekanisme Produksi Minyak Goreng Kemasan Dengan Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Dan Multiexpert Multicriteria Decision Making (ME-MCDM)
3. Statistic Correlation Technique, MEMCDM Non-Numerical and Fuzzy System for Collaboration Determining of Dominant Factors of National Palm Oil Stock
4. Pemodelan Kerangka Adaptive Threshold untuk Memonitor Produksi Minyak Sawit Nasional Berbasis Statistical Process Control dan Artificial Neural Network-Backpropagation
5. Pemodelan Statictical Control Detection Adaptive (SCDA) Untuk Monitoring Dan Prediksi Volume Produksi Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Nasional
Daftar Jurnal Similarity
1. Monitoring System on Nine Primary Commodities’ Price in Indonesia
2. Statistic Correlation Technique, MEMCDM Non-Numerical and Fuzzy System for Collaboration Determining of Dominant Factors of National Palm Oil Stock
Barian Karopeboka, ST, MT
1. Peran Iptek Dalam Sistem Mitigasi Bencana Longsor
2. Analisa Simpang Jakarta Selatan
Ir. Djauhar Arifin, MBA
1. Perawatan Bangunan
Idris Syamsir, ST
1. Analisa Kinerja Campuran Dingin Menggunakan Aspal Cair Asbuton
Prof. Dr. Cicih Ratnasih, SE, MM
1. How Financial Sector And Social Overhead Capital Determine GDP Growth
2. Zakat Payment Rate In Jabotabek
3. The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness in The Relationship Between Brand Association and Intention to Pay Zakat in Indonesia Amil Zakat Institution
4. The Effect of Managerial Coaching Behaviorand Job Satisfaction of Employee Performance through Organization Commitment at The Office of Work Unit Regional Office DJP II West Java Indonesia
5. Leadership Style, Discipline, Motivation And The Implications On Teachers’ Performance
6. Determinant Customer Loyalty Model of Sharia Banking ( Case in Indonesia)
7. Analyse Relevant Between Sector Financial And Social Overhead Capital To Produck Of Domestic Bruto
8. Institutional Bureaucracy And Real Sector Movement
9. Determinants Of Manufacturing Company Stock Prices
10. Factors That Affect Financing Profit-Loss-Loss Scheme Syariah Tbk General Banking In Indonesia
11. Determinants of Consumer Satisfaction That Influence Customer Loyalty (The Case of Milkin Indonesia Company)
12. The Absorption Employment of Industrial Sector Workers and Influencing Factors
13. The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance (The Case of Construction Companies in Indonesia)
14. Financial Sector and Social Sector Models ad Activator of Economic Growth in Indonesia
15. The Economic Structure And Employment Opportunities (Case in Bengkulu, Indonesia)
16. The Driving factors of real estate stock prices in Indonesia Stock Exchange
17. Financial development and proverty reduction in developing countries
18. The Effect of the Effectiveness of E-commerce Applications and Promotion Media on Public Purchase Interest to Increase MSMEs in Indonesia in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic Brand Image Mediated
19. Strategy in Building Work Loyalty: The Case of Industrial Estate Companies in Indonesia
20. Determinants of Poverty in Indonesia
21. Job Satisfaction Through Motivation and Communication on Employee Performance (Case Construction Service Companies in Indonesia)
22. Analysis of Affecting Variables Actual Inflation Rate at Indonesia
23. Forecast of the Provision and Utilization of New Renewable Energy and its Utilization in the National Capital Region Towards a Green, Smart and Beautiful and Sustainable City
24. Revitalization of Tin Towards Control (Domination) of Tin as a Strategic Commodity
25. Strategy in Building Work Loyalty: The Case of Industrial Estate Companies in Indonesia
26. The Power of Job Satisfaction in Improving the Performance of Employees of Sharia Banking Companies
1. Assessing Conseptual Dimension Of Quality Service
2. Determinant Share Price Of Cement Sub-Sector Companies On The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
3. Determinants Of The Value Of State Owned Enterprises Listed Construction Sectors On The Indonesia Stock Exchange
4. Company’s Financial Factors and Stock Prices On The Indonesia Stock Exchange (Case Study of LQ 45 index)
5. Dividend Payout Ratio Issue : Sub Sector Food And Beverage Companies On the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Dr. Rineke Sara, SH., MH
1. Peranan Majelis Pengawas Notaris Daerah Dalam Rangka Pengawasan Dan Pembinaan Terhadap Notaris Di Kabupaten Bekasi Jawa Barat
2. Kekuatan Hukum akta jual beli yang dibuat dihadapan notaris/pejabat pembuat akta tanah berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 2 tahun 2014 tentang perubahan atas undang-undang nomor 30 tahun 2004 tentang jabatan notaris
Lucky Lukman, SE, MM
1. Pengaruh Return on Assets, Debt to Assets Ratio, Net Profit Margin, Book Value terhadap Earning Per Share Emiten Indeks LQ 45 Di Bursa Efek Indonesia
2. Pengaruh Economic Value Added, Financial Leverage dan Profitabilitas terhadap Harga Saham PT. Summarecon Agung Tbk
3. Pengaruh Harga Crude Palm Oil Dunia, Retrun On Equity dan Current Ratio Terhadap Harga Saham
Rosmegawati, S.E, M.M
1. Pengaruh Pelatihan Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Berkah Logam Makmur Plant II Kawasan MM2100 Cibitung
Ir. Wahyu Inggar Fipiana, MM
1. Effect of Quality Control Circle Application to the Employee Work Productivity of PT Z
Dra. Agustina Massora, MM
1. The Impact of Risk Judgement of Economic Policy and Financial Aspects Regarding the Life of the ASEAN Community Area
2. Determination of Human Development Index In Sumatra
3. The Effect of Banking Financial Ratio on The Development in Indonesia Stock Exchange
4. The Effect of Officer Guidance in Human Resources Quality